Thursday, September 6, 2007

Holy Cow........

Have I been busy! Between the shop, settling into our new home, soccer practice, and other boundless chores I have not worked on anything! Whore wanted to go to AC Moore yesterday, so after the water guy came we headed off. I have not bought any yarn in weeks because my budget was tight with the move and Max's b-day coming up so I figured I would treat myself. I found this pattern for a blanket in a 1983 issue of Crochet Magazine and fell in love with it. Of course the colors they used were putrid, it was the 80's for God's sake! I figured I would try my hand at it since all the wearables I attempt just downright suck. It is a simple pattern all in dc shells, and is worked up in panels. Which is great for my ADD because I can finish one and feel accomplished and not too overwhelmed. I finished the first panel yesterday (pics sure to follow once I find my camera in the huge mountain in the garage)and only have 12 more to go...haha. I chose a dark red, a dark dust blue, an olive green and some sand. I was afraid it would look to "Americana", but Whore assured me it looked fabulous. I just have to keep telling myself it's just a blanket. Hopefully I can finish another panel tonight. I really like it and want to finish it. Well, off to finish the laundry. Bah.


Unknown said...

I seem to remember another blanket that you were making. Hmmmm, getting cold up here.

Samantha said...

Hahaha, Twat got burned!