Monday, September 17, 2007

Stitch-Stirrers..........Hookers Unite!

The first Stitch Stirrers prompt is up!

Even if you don’t consider yourself a poet, this should be fun and
easy. Your mission is to write a limerick–or several–about crochet. No
starting with “There once was a man from Nantucket…” though!

Ok, so I'm no Robert Frost, but at least I tried!

A cute little maid she was sitting
Crocheting a garment quite fitting
Then a grumpy old Beadle
Said your missing a needle
She screamed I told you Jerk, it’s not knitting!

Sara crocheted a top lickity split
But alas, it just didn’t fit
She looked up with a tear
And sighed, “Oh my dear”
It makes me so mad I could spit!

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Ohmigawd, I love you. Er, I mean you suck.