Friday, August 17, 2007

I told her we needed an appointment.

Of course, Whore and I show up promptly at 10:30am to get a pedicure after a bit of fun at Dunkin Donuts (which is a different story all together, let's just say we made the donut lady blush) just to find out they didn't have room for our toes. dammit. So we decided to go out and try Dagmar's again. Of course, they weren't open. So we headed to AC Moore. I was not going to buy yarn today, but, yeah. 20 skeins later I am trying to stash it in my backseat so Chris doesn't see it. He doesn't care that I buy yarn, but we are getting ready to move any day and I just keep adding to the shit we have to pack. Apparently, I am not smart enough to put it in the trunk where it will be well hidden, so he sees it the second he gets out of his car. I am so smart, s-m-r-t.

I am almost done with that striped hoodie I designed myself. Guess what? It's too fucking big. Whatever. I sketched a few designs tonight I would like to try, maybe I can get Whore to help me out with them. I also started a cute filet crochet pillow (Yeah, ADD) that says "Fuck Off". Quite charming. Someone will love it. whatever.

Oh yeah, and Dad's car is HOT!

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